I had this great idea to do a post with photos of Nora throughout the past year, but unfortunately my old computer had an unfortunate situation befall it and had to be put to rest. Until I can get my hard drive recovered, (pleasepleasepleasepleasebeabletorecovermyharddrive) we're stuck with current pictures. Anyway.
So. One year ago today, almost at this exact same time, I was in the hospital preparing to give birth again. It had been a loooong pregnancy, I was 2 weeks past my due date and had this crazy idea that I would not be induced. But by this point, it was insanely hot and I was miserable and just done. So to the hospital we went, where luckily for me all that was needed was to have my water broken. 2 hours later, we were blessed with another beautiful, healthy baby girl. We hadn't yet decided on her name, I had originally wanted Nora but then changed my mind; Brad really wanted Nora but I was holding out, mostly just to be difficult. So after she's born, he looks at me and asks if we can please name her Nora. And I knew that it was the perfect name for her.
The next few weeks are kind of a blur, (thanks to a very bad case of mastitis) but what I do remember is how calm she was, how aware she was, and how quiet she was. The nurses at the hospital even had her hearing checked twice because she just didn't make a peep. And if she did, it was in the softest little voice you've ever heard. Fortunately, (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it) we don't have that problem any longer. She is still a very very calm baby, for the most part. She is super laid back and content to just be. Except when she gets mad, which isn't often, but when it happens you know it's going to be bad.
She is the chubbiest baby ever; I frequetly joke about her thunder thighs and chubby tummy, but I wouldn't have her any other way. Her hair keeps getting redder every day - we have so many redheads in my family and I was really hoping for one - so far she's up to the challenge. She loves food (hence the chub) and will eat anything you put in front of her and gets upset if you're eating and she's not. Nora is my girly girl; she loves all things sparkly and glittery and as we've recently discovered is a big fan of shoes. She puts them on and walks all over just grinning down at her feet. She adores her babies, she'll walk over to them and say 'Baby!" and hug them and push them in their strollers. She knows a few other words, Dada, Mama, kitty, bye bye. She's been on the move since about 10.5 months. Now she's almost running and she's so short and chubby and super bowlegged and it's pretty much the funniest thing ever. She loves to climb the stairs, and is slowly learning how to scoot herself down them. She likes it when you clap, and will clap right back at you. In fact, she'll actually mimic most things you do, she's our little parrot. She's super curious and just has this awareness shining out of her beautiful blue eyes that tells me she's going to be a little smartypants. She adores her big sister who is fiercely protective of her, and I love watching the dynamic between the two of them and watching them forge a bond.
She is our funny, sweet, loving and playful baby. She has completed our family and I can't imagine our world without her. Happy Birthday, Nora Diane, we love you more than you'll ever know.
love her. happy bday, nora!
Posted by: lisa truesdell | August 02, 2011 at 05:16 PM
She's is so adorable!! I love hearing about her first year and how awesome she is!! :)
Posted by: justem | August 02, 2011 at 06:25 PM
She's a beauty! Sending many happy birthday wishes her way!
Posted by: Jill Sprott | August 02, 2011 at 09:43 PM
She is SO cute, and she always has been! Such a wonderful baby, and I can see her big sister in her face as well. I have little ginger Leogirl myself, celebrating her 2nd birthday in a few days.
Posted by: Rockermorsan | August 03, 2011 at 11:04 AM
She is too adorable, Jen! Love!!
Posted by: [email protected] | August 04, 2011 at 06:13 AM